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Skanska Spearheads Los Angeles Infrastructure Advancement with $85M Project


Leo Gonzalez

March 7, 2024 - 06:48 am


Skanska Secures a Major Infrastructure Project to Revitalize the Los Angeles Interchange

STOCKHOLM, March 7, 2024 - In a significant development for the infrastructure sector in the United States, the renowned construction company Skanska has been awarded a lucrative contract valued at approximately $85 million by the Port of Los Angeles. This contract pertains to the essential reconfiguration of the interchange at State Route 47/Vincent Thomas Bridge and the Front Street/Harbor Boulevard interchange in the bustling city of Los Angeles, California. The agreed-upon sum translates to about 880 million Swedish Krona and will be recorded in the US order bookings for the first quarter of the year 2024.

Project Overview

The scope of this ambitious project includes the replacement, construction, and realignment of a series of on and off ramps integral to the city's transportation network. As part of the project, a primary road will undergo realignment to better accommodate a state-of-the-art on-off ramp system, tailoring it to the demands of modern traffic patterns and volumes.

But the renovation and upgrade efforts do not stop there; they extend to incorporate a host of additional improvements designed to enhance the overall safety, accessibility, and aesthetics of the area. The upcoming improvements include the installation of new curbs and gutters, comprehensive storm drain enhancements, and upgraded street lighting to brighten up the roads and improve visibility during all hours.

In addition, the project plan also puts a strong emphasis on mobility and accessibility. Traffic signals will be updated to current standards, catering to the evolving transportation needs. Furthermore, the community will benefit from new bike lanes, promoting a healthier, more sustainable mode of transit in the city.

Accessibility improvements are a cornerstone of this project, ensuring that those with disabilities find navigating the city more convenient than ever. This includes the introduction of ADA-compliant curb ramps and crosswalks. These provisions will ensure that the area's infrastructure is inclusive, catering to the needs of all residents and visitors.

Timelines and Expectations

Skanska, renowned for their expertise and efficiency in the field of construction, is set to commence construction activities in March 2024. The project, owing to its massive scale and intricate operations, is anticipated to reach completion in December of 2026. This timeline indicates a nearly three-year-long endeavor that will require meticulous planning and execution.

Public and Industry Contact

Skanska, attentive to the need for transparency and open communication, has appointed point persons for inquiries regarding this significant project. For further details, members of the press and interested parties can reach out to Meghan Carvalho, the Communications Manager for Skanska USA, directly at +1 (951) 675 2337. Alternatively, Andreas Joons, the Press Officer for Skanska AB, can be contacted on +46 (0)10 449 04 94. They also have a direct line designated for media purposes, which is +46 (0)10 448 88 99, ensuring that all queries are dealt with promptly and efficiently.

This landmark project and other previous press releases from Skanska can be discovered online. Interested individuals are invited to visit Skanska's official website at for access to a wealth of information and timely updates.

In addition to the digital press releases, Skanska also facilitates access to vital documentation that is relevant to this interchange reconfiguration project. For those seeking detailed insights or specific facts, downloadable files are readily available. One such file is the "20240307 US interchange ENG", which provides in-depth knowledge about the contract and its specifics. This can be found at the following link for convenient access: 20240307 US interchange ENG.


The contract's placement with Skanska is a testament to the firm's reputation for excellence and reliability within the construction industry. This interchange project is poised to be a transformative influence on the Los Angeles transportation infrastructure, significantly improving traffic flow around the State Route 47/Vincent Thomas Bridge and Front Street/Harbor Boulevard interchanges.

Skanska's commitment to this project also highlights the company's dedication to incorporating sustainable and accessible design principles into their work. By advancing improvements such as bike lanes and ADA-compliant features, the project aligns with broader goals of promoting environmental sustainability and inclusivity.

The strategic importance of the interchange in the bustling Port of Los Angeles area cannot be overstated. It is vital not only for daily commuters but also for the freight and logistics that sustain the economic vitality of the region. Once completed, the interchange is expected to serve as a robust artery that supports the dynamic and ever-growing needs of one of America's largest cities.

Looking to the Future

With construction slated to begin within the year, the anticipation for improvements is palpable among the stakeholders and the community alike. It is projects like these that pave the way for a future where infrastructure keeps pace with the demands of urban development and population growth.

Los Angeles, known for its sprawling metropolis and ever-evolving skyline, is investing in infrastructure that is designed to last well into the future. By choosing a contractor with an established record like Skanska, the city is ensuring that this interchange project not only meets the high standards of today but also anticipates the needs of tomorrow.

The expected completion date of December 2026 is a milestone that many will be eagerly watching. The project's success could serve as a blueprint for other cities looking to upgrade their infrastructure in ways that are thoughtful, innovative, and centered on community needs.

In conclusion, Skanska's latest undertaking in Los Angeles represents more than just an infrastructure project. It is a sign of progress and a commitment to the enhancement of quality of life for all individuals who traverse this vibrant city. It is with high expectations that the community looks forward to the commencement of construction.

As this comprehensive infrastructural upgrade unfolds, it promises to create a ripple effect of improvement, efficiency, and modernization throughout the transport network of Los Angeles. With Skanska at the helm, the journey towards a redefined cityscape has just begun.

Skanska and the city of Los Angeles invite all concerned to stay informed and engaged as the project progresses. Updates and press releases can be found at the earlier mentioned link, where the journey towards a revitalized interchange takes a concrete shape, seamlessly integrating information with innovation.

This monumental project reflects a broader narrative of growth and modernization that is not just limited to Los Angeles but is indicative of a nationwide push towards infrastructure revitalization and innovation. It is a narrative Skanska is proud to be part of, as it continues to lay the foundations for a brighter, more connected future.

Source: Skanska

(For reference or more detailed information about Skanska and their projects, please visit the provided URL.)